From This Day Forward...

Matt & Jean are getting married!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I wanted to title this "Diary of a Virgin Bride..."

...but there are too many older relatives who will be stopping by who'll consider that both crass and TMI. Gotta keep the family happy, donchaknow.

So this is it: the one-stop shop to see how the wedding plans are coming, find out where we're registered (once we get around to doing that), RSVP online, watch me squee with giddy girlish delight over being a bride, or watch me melt down when things turn out to be anything less than what I envision, whichever way the wind's blowing that day.

I have a real live, old fashioned hardcover journal for the personal stuff, so don't expect too much of that here. It's part journal, part scrapbook, and I hope some day to show it to our kids when they're ready to plan their own weddings, to help give them a little perspective. Or maybe just to give them (more) fodder to laugh at the 'rents. Knowing Matt and I, though, they'll have plenty of that without me having to write any of it down for them.

Things are still fairly up in the air at this point--we're in the process of finding out when everyone is available and making up our minds whether to hold the wedding at our church or to rent out a chapel, and also figuring out the guest list. Speaking of, if you've found your way here and you didn't make the guest list, please oh please know that we're doing this on an extremely tiny budget, which pretty much narrows our list down for us. Believe me, deciding on a guest list when you're on a thousand dollar budget and both of your dads had nine siblings each? Not a task I'd wish on most couples.

At any rate, if you need info on our wedding, or if you just want to follow the adventures of Matt & Jean, amateur budget wedding planners and spouses-to-be, this is the place. And if you've already been through this and have any advice to offer, we'll be most happy to hear it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy Wedding Blog!

The only advice I have is don't let the small stuff bog you down. The most important thing it you and Matt love each other and are sharing that love with friends and family. Who cares if your father-in-law forgot half the vows? (Wait, that was my f-i-l.) In many ways, your wedding will be the best day of your life, but it's only 8 hours. So don't let it stress you too much.


7:56 AM  
Blogger Jean Bauhaus said...

Thanks, sunny. That's excellent (and pertinent) advice. I got myself so worked up sweating the small stuff that for two whole weeks I refused to talk about the wedding because I couldn't even think about it without turning into an emotional mess. But I'm better now, and I'm starting to get some perspective. On our first anniversary is it really going to matter what color scheme we used or whether we held it inside or outdoors or whether I got to carry hydrangeas? I kind of doubt that it will. That thought's helping me to be a lot more flexible.

1:01 PM  

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